MOTA 015 The art of economy

Nomadic conversation | The green corridor

MOTA 000 invite le Laboratoire sauvage Désorceler la finance à dialoguer autour de la question : How to break up with TINA* ?
*TINA for “There Is No Alternative”.

« MOTA 015 The Art of economy is the next topic in our migrant series of discussions around artists’ questions. The topic points towards the ways we invent economies and how they appear in our practices from the questions of behaviour, sustainability and sharing to the ways in which we respond to and make sense of the world of finance. We are also interested in how the world of finance ‘imagines’ itself, calculates the future and relates to stories. »

Où ?

The green corridor / Rue de Bosnie 102, 1060 Saint-Gilles

Quand ?

Samedi 11 février 2023 à 18h30